Dino Izzo

Dino Izzo was born in 1948 in Naples, where he still lives and works. Fascinated by signs and materiality of writing, he has always reflected with several methods and techniques on the “expressive insufficiency of the word and the wear of the image”. His artworks come from the interpretation of quickly traced graphite signs and the titles given, which become like an art literary archive. He has exhibited in Italy since 1975 and also in foreign cities as Copenhagen, Göteborg, Bern, Zurich, Chicago, Tokyo and Los Angeles since 1988.


Wallpapers for your phone #2 by Dino Izzo


Dino Izzo, Scrittura illeggibile vermiglio
Dino Izzo, Scrittura illeggibile vermiglio, 2014, ink on paper, 30 x 40 cm, Mazzacana Gallery