Tiziano Bellomi

Tiziano Bellomi (Verona, 1960) lives and works in Verona. He gained his diploma at the Liceo Artistico Statale of Verona, and at the international School of Graphics in Venice. He was also awarded a diploma in painting at the G. B. Cignaroli art school in Verona.

Bellomi uses painting, drawing, photography, video, etching, sculpture, and installations for his art research. He has participated in art residences, solo shows, and group shows in Italian and foreign museums and galleries.


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Tiziano Bellomi, Meridians
Tiziano Bellomi, Meridians, 2022, Oil on canvas, 86 x 128 cm, Mazzacana Gallery
Tiziano Bellomi, The first strawberries
Tiziano Bellomi, The first strawberries, 2022, Oil on canvas, 35 x 50 cm, Mazzacana Gallery
Tiziano Bellomi, The first rose
Tiziano Bellomi, The first rose, 2022, Acrilic on cardboard, 35 x 50 cm, Mazzacana Gallery
Vertical gray stripes
Tiziano Bellomi, Vertical gray stripes, 2022, Acrilic and wax on canvas, 70 x 161 cm, Mazzacana Gallery