Manuela Bedeschi

Manuela Bedeschi lives and works between Verona and Bagnolo di Lonigo (Vicenza). She graduated in Sculpture and Painting at the Fine Art Academy in Verona. She later attended the Conceptual Art course at the Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg – with Roman Opalka and Gunter Ueker – and the Experimental Graphic course at the International School of Graphics of Venice.

Bedeschi has been working for a long time in the field of painting and sculpture: she has exhibited in national and international contexts, favouring installations and site specific works.


Wallpapers for your phone #3 by Manuela Bedeschi


Manuela Bedeschi, Aura
Manuela Bedeschi, Aura, 2011, Mixed technique on canvas, Neon, 200 x 200 cm
Manuela Bedeschi, Più arancio
Manuela Bedeschi, Più arancio, 2011, Mixed technique on canvas, Neon, 135 x 115 x 9 cm
Manuela Bedeschi, Doppio quadrato
Manuela Bedeschi, Doppio quadrato, Diptych, 2011, Mixed technique on canvas, Neon, 200 x 200 cm each
Manuela Bedeschi, Arancio piccolo
Manuela Bedeschi, Arancio piccolo, Triptych, 2020, Acrilic on canvas, LED light, 30 x 30 x 8 cm each